Empowering Women in Tech:
Getting Insights on the event of International Woman Day (IWD) 2020
Are you a woman or girl that has interested in tech? Do you know about International Woman Day (IWD)? Who is R.A Kartini from Jepara, Indonesia? What are all that above related to woman empowerment? Well. please, let me share the information here about the woman or girl, R.A Kartini, IWD, the women in tech.
International Women Day (IWD) is celebrated every March 08 to all over the world. The first time IWD is in New York on 28 February 1909. Refer to the United Nations about IWD, https://www.un.org/en/observances/womens-day, The theme of International Women’s Day 2020 is, I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights.
The theme is aligned with UN Women’s new multigenerational campaign, Generation Equality, which marks the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platforms for Action, the most progressive roadmap for the empowerment of women and girls, everywhere.
We know R. A Kartini, a hero for Indonesian women. She is known as a pioneer of woman empowerment in Indonesia. We are very thankful and appreciate her contribution to struggle with women’s rights so we have the same chance and opportunity with the men. Every April 21, we celebrate Kartini’s day
Our era is very different from R.A Kartini’s era. There is no chance and opportunity for the woman and girls for getting formal education and jobs. A whole day for daily life, the women and girls only do routine house chores tasks.
How to look like R.A Kartini in this present time. Many women and girls have higher formal education, Women Developer, the leader position on the company, Government, etc. Our era present is in industry 4.0 for Digital Transformation. Technology is very helpful in our daily life.
There are several women in tech communities in Indonesia, such as WTM, FemaleGeek, Codingmom Indonesia. Womentechmaker (WTM)is a woman community in tech from google. The Tagline of WTM is #Together We Rise
The google community in Indonesia, GDG Indonesia, GDG Depok & GDG Jakarta held the IWD 2020 online conference on Youtube Live for 4 days (09 & 10 May 2020 and 16 & 17 May 2020). It’s a good activity for all women and girls in Indonesia during the quarantine of Covid-19 and breakfasting on Ramadhan Kareem.
I see many girls or women have an IT job in the company at present although the number is little and the men are still dominant in technology. I am proud of Indonesian women and girls that have to succeed in a career or their own business in technology today. At least, It is shown in the event IWD 2020. There are several great women speakers to share their knowledge and experiences with the audience.
So, What do we get the Insights of The online event IWD2020? I am very interested in Andrew Darmadi, CEO of Halosis.com. He shared with The man’s perspective about the women empowerment in tech. He told us about his CTO in his company is a woman. It sounds interesting to me. Inspiring. The women or girls can be a CTO in the startup company. It’s very rare. Mostly are the men as a CTO.
According to Andrew, There is a gender gap in information technology skills, 37% of women, and 63% men. Woman director 3.3%. He presented the success path for women in tech.
There are 4 things important to do it:
Family Support
Community Support
Supporting Working Environment
The Women and girls in the R. A Kartini present time become familiar with the technology. The success path for women in tech should we do together. They can be rise with their brain, talent, skills, and the same opportunity with the men in technology. That is a good chance for them. Keep on learning to adapt to the new tech future, work, and be part of problem-solving around us with the technology.